Izzie, 6 Months

In family portraits, photography

I have been photographing this girl since she was just a bump in Eryn’s birthday. Six months, and already sitting up like a pro, getting ready to crawl.  And this was her first trip to the beach!

I’ve been trying a couple different funky things with photos. I’m lucky to have couples like Laurie and Eryn who appreciate my chaotic-at-times style 🙂

I have a had a photo of Eryn’s face being squished up by the love of her family in every shoot I’ve done with the Espitia’s, so why should this be any different?

Izzie is apparently a scientist in the making – a “texture girl”. Sand, grass, water.  She had to feel and probe and examine everything. She was a little stumped by this mix of water and sand.

One thing I have to say about Izzie – she has the most fantastic wardrobe I’ve ever seen. I wish I had a wardrobe like that when I was little. Everything is punky and adorable and largely pink and black and white (a color combo I’m particularly partial to). When we scheduled this shoot, Eryn messaged me to ask what they should dress her in. My response? I couldn’t even begin to choose – anything they put her in would be perfect. Eryn makes her own tutus, and they occasionally buy custom pieces off Etsy.  Laurie got this piece for Izzie:

And this one she actually got for Eryn, but for the sake of this shoot, we put it on Izzie for a few:

And of course, little hands and little feet.

That’s it! Next up, the walking phase 🙂



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